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Mini-Exam 4

Includes questions about the information in Modules 8, & 9.
You can look back at Modules 8 & 9 to help you find answers and refresh your memory. But, remember, the exam is timed, you only have 10 minutes to complete this six question exam. Modules will open in a new browser window: Don't forget to close the windows for Modules 8 & 9 before proceeding to Module 10.

If you'd like to take a break, now is the time to do it. Leave this page open on your computer, otherwise you'll need to sign in again, and go through the pages you've already completed. After you have scored a 70% or better please proceed to Module 10. Click on the "Next Button" to proceed. Don't forget to close the windows for Modules 8 & 9 before proceeding to Module 10.

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